Kanini Beatrice

Kanini Beatrice Poems

Each day comes and goes, the calendar never lies
On each month it appears, but with a red signal
The moon seems dull, never has it been bright

He touched her heart without touching her
He made time for her when the rest made excuses
To her, he gave a meaning to the word 'love'
He was not like any other man she had met

Who thought that this day would come
When goodbye was the option left?
Who knew that a day would come
When letting go would not be a choice?

Do not worry about me, I am no longer the baby I was
Do not be stressed up, your little girl is taking care of herself
Though life is not easy, she is trying her best to make ends meet
Though the road is not smooth, she is trying to make it through

She feels nothing anymore
She hates the people who crushed her very being
She hates the people who destroyed her soul
The pain kills her from inside

she thought she finally would be free

that getting rid of it was the best option

I hope you remember the promise
That day under the shade
That the past was to be kept aside
And take a step towards our future ahead

The Best Poem Of Kanini Beatrice

The Rain

Each day comes and goes, the calendar never lies
On each month it appears, but with a red signal
The moon seems dull, never has it been bright

Nimbus clouds on the sky
The rain is heavy, quite unbearable to be precise
Seems like a tornado, the storm is drowning me
The earthquakes are intense too, what a sleepless night

The inner clouds are slowly shedding off
Tearing everything down, its muddy allover
The skies must have been fighting, poor them,
The heavens must have been crying

The rainy season is over, so soon I guess
Only four days, and it's all clear, unbelievable
Feels awesome, putting on light shoes, no gumboots
Till next month, the sky is gay.

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