Kathryn Eddy

Kathryn Eddy Poems

A Teacher's job is to enlighten,
It is not nor should it be to heighten.

I mean to say you have to stay in moderation,

Everyone has a dream they wish to come true,
And I'm sure there's nothing they wouldn't do,
Whether to gain money or to become a superstar,
Whatever the case it doesn't matter how far.

The truth is what you've gone to find,
Yet I'm afraid I must decline,
For the time I can not tell,
As you might not take it so well.

It happened one day once long ago,
But little did these children know,
Just who it was to visit them,
Twas not an enemy but twas a friend.

In my time I begin to find,
What I myself must leave behind,
With much pain I'll begin to see,
That though we may not agree-

Do you remember when we first met?
That day I have yet to forget,
I sat at a table staring ahead
While not a word to me was ever said.

As our time draws to a close,
Cherished times from my memory flows,
From p.e with Mrs. to religion class
"My-how the time did pass."

Day after day it always replays,
What I did and what I didn't say,
Regret is what I feel then
To know that I have lost a friend.

Don't ever let us fade away
There's nowhere quite like this place,
Where you'll never know what weather you'll face,
1 day it'll be 90's and quite clear,

Today I hoped to achieve something great,
Something many would consider a heroic trait,
Giving plasma to those in need,
With the hope that the doctor's treatments would succeed.

When I was young so long ago,
Threatened I was though I didn't know,
My parents feared as to my fate,
Afraid that the doctors would be too late.

The Best Poem Of Kathryn Eddy

A Teacher's Job

A Teacher's job is to enlighten,
It is not nor should it be to heighten.

I mean to say you have to stay in moderation,
For many this may lead to their fortification.

You may already have an idea in mind,
But you have to understand when to draw the line.

A teacher should remember to teach
And yet...not to overreach.

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