Keith Anastase KAMOSSO Poems

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Turned Into The Ash Love

Gawking at our history possibly would start the flames
Spark of love couldn’t alleviate the wounds of my heart
Just only the pain to be felt in my guts
The soreness of your dishonesty entwine my spirits

A Climb

This is the mountain I never wanted to climb
This pain and these aches are so deep to handle
This is more than what I expected to feel
I wish love wasn’t this climb

Wiseman Words

A misjudgment person is like a golden ring on pig’s snout
But words of a wise-man is like water spring in the wilderness
A sinking vessel stands for fading dreams
When a written chant signifies likely the God’s mark


Crying soul; unheard
Broken heart; unhealed
Haunted dreams; unfound
Dying seraph; unsaved


A tightrope is not a trial
A tightrope is link to both different points
A bond of two pieces to be one
Welfare conformity of junction


The bribe of eyes is the vista
The sweetener of soul it’s acquaint
The sense of the heart is the thump rhythm
What will be the recompense of my love?


Unperceivable nature
Untouchable edge of life
Unpredictable conduct
Unstoppable airstream in the mind

Ungrateful World

This animalistic world
This terrible and ungrateful world
I put a smile on its face but it keeps crying back at me
I open up for it but it keeps me locked out

Unwritten Feeling

My soul is fainting
My tongue is declining
My blood is cold and frozen
My eyes are blind

In The Inside

Immensity of my praise to you is immeasurable
The sound of my heartbeats can be physically seen
My lips are closed but my soul can loudly sing
The joy from your answers to me is satisfying

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