Kelly lee Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In The Fat Kid's Heart

Whats with the word skinny,
a hurtful word in the mouth of many,
I struggle everyday,
diets, pills they all say,

Remember Teenage Love?

Remember your days when you where in love,
No not them days in primary when ' I love you' was nothing,
I'm talking about them days when thats was 'the' one,
your thinking abut them non stop,


Never hold my hand when your gonna break my heart,
Never say you ' love me' when you dont plan to start,
Never look in to my eyes when all you do is lie,
Never say 'Hi' if you really mean 'Goodbye',


My mother keeps on telling me,
When she was in here teens,
She wore quite different clothes from mine,
And hadn't heard of jeans,

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