khalil Majlaton

khalil Majlaton Poems

Smiles, cries, tears and laughter,
emotions arisen from a love thereafter.

A perennial adoration that is no longer partaken

So many things racing through my mind
Lost in the garden, myself I could not find

as clouds roll by
under a moonlite sky

I drink to the moon
I drink to the sun

Love is a game,
like Russian Roulette.
Each time you play,
It's your life you bet.

This key unlocks
an old dusty box
a walk down memory lane

That's who she is and that's what it was.
I'll love this girl forever, not just because
she knows me better than I know myself.
She showed me how to gain such emotional wealth.

A hopeless romantic sounds so very cliche
but I swear I fall in love at least twice a day.
Ones eyes so enchanting, anothers hair vibrant red.
I couldnt choose one, I'd want both in my bed.

In prior affairs I have been less acquainted with lovers,
with not much concern of whom they may be.
with me they are enamored but my interests are adverse.
Though our talks may be short, there lies an intimacy.

What can I do to make things better?
I'll sit at my desk and write my love a letter.
Not just one this time, more suitable would be two
The letters wont be long in fact their just 'I' and 'U'

As I board the train at six thirty in the morning
I made it just in time even though it's pouring
you're sitting right there as you always are
just like me, first row, second car

Jazz, Blues, Punk or Funk
The music's always better, when your drunk.

'I love this song'! to me sounds overstated

Boredom is the affliction from which I suffer
to cure this infirmity I must have a buffer

I want to take a moment to show how much I care
and write a couple lines for you and I to share

The Best Poem Of khalil Majlaton


Smiles, cries, tears and laughter,
emotions arisen from a love thereafter.

A perennial adoration that is no longer partaken
has left me broken, empty and feeling forsaken.

An affection so strong, once shared by two.
A connection now gone, our fate proved untrue.

Left alone to dwell in this hellish meloncholy,
punishing myself over witless acts of folly.

Though love and justice are said to be blind,
they led us to the end for we both were unkind.

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