You get your height from me,
I was where you were once,
But now you look down upon me,
Your high throne is not made of gold,
The Girl Beside Me
You get your height from me,
I was where you were once,
But now you look down upon me,
Your high throne is not made of gold,
Its made of dust,
Ready to blow away with the first wind.
You were I am once,
On the bottom,
You know what its like to be here,
Alone and ashamed,
You're treating me the way I treated you,
I probably deserve it,
But does the girl beside me?
We both made mistakes,
We both got hurt,
But the girl next to me never hurt either of us,
So why chose her,
She can't take it like we do,
my mistakes brought me here,
But she's never done anything to be here.
I walked like you do,
With my head held high,
This was my kingdom,
But that one night it was all taken away,
Everyone found out,
And it was all my fault.
I'm still paying for it,
But the girl next to me had never made a mistake,
She's never been to were you are,
So why treat her like this,
Sure she's different,
But so are you.
I know your secret,
And you know hers,
So one gets out and the other shoe drops,
You will fall just has hard as me,
So I know you won't dare.
Lay off her back,
And both secrets are kept,
I deserve what I'm getting,
But the girl beside me doesn't.
Now look what has happened,
She's gone forever,
She's not coming back,
And in the note it mentioned you,
Soon you're going to be down here paying too.
The wind is awfully strong up there on the top,
The dust wasn't strong enough,
I've been where you are,
And where you quickly going,
So grasp onto something,
Anything to soften the rock of the bottom.
The girl would be next to us,
Or maybe in our high place,
She could be getting her height from me too
Or the girl next to us.