The Hole Poem by Kiana Epp

The Hole

I'm about to lose my mind,
My heart is so heavy,
I can't believe that happened,
You left me standing in the darkness,
With the hole in my life.

I was there for you,
But you weren't there for me,
All these bags were just too heavy,
So I let some go,
And you were dropped by mistake.

This hole in my life needs to be filled,
I can't go on living like this,
I need to get my high back,
Like a smoker on weed,
The high is good until you fall back down.

Don't be ashamed of our time together,
We meant it,
We both had the same dream,
So don't tell me I didn't mean anything,
Don't say you don't care,
You're hurting just as I am,
I can see it in the deep oceans of your eyes,
It's still there,
The reflection of me inside you,

So God please help us,
With this thing both of us can't let go,
We need to have the strength to leave,
Even if it is that hardest thing to do,
I need to leave here knowing it was worth it,
I need to leave knowing he still cares,
We can't go on like this.

There will by no avoiding of each other,
We can be friends,
Can't we,
There's not reason for anyone to hurt,
But it's always going to be there,
The gaping hole in my life,
That is a perfect fit for you.

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