Krissy Alley Poems

Hit Title Date Added
To My Husband

Oh how much I love you honey
The thought of leaving you never comes to mind
My love for you is so strong and never blind
I love you I love you I love you

Haven'T You Wondered?

Have you ever wondered what love feels like
The feeling for passion,
The feeling for pleasure

Why Me?

I liked you since we first met. You were with a girl that asked you out.
She hurt you and I was there to comfort you.
Didn't you realize I liked you more than a friend? You ignored my love.
Another girl holding you hand the next day. A girl that asked you out.

The Last Of My Family

There is this person that is part of me,
I love her to death, she is my everything
We grew up together and saw many things
But here we are holding on strong

The Door That Opens To You

There is this door that opens to you
This wide door that never closes
You can come in and love this door or
Even tell it anything you'd like

The Passion Within

For us to feel the passion within
We give each other love and sex
He's always there to comfort me
Even though we fight terribly

The Moment

The moment I saw your face,
I became thrilled.

The moment we talked,

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