Kunal Dave

Kunal Dave Poems

Watching the moon in the sky,
In a silent nignt, the smoke for the fire fills my views,
But them a cool wind blows and clear me views

The Best Poem Of Kunal Dave

Sorrows And Pains! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Watching the moon in the sky,
In a silent nignt, the smoke for the fire fills my views,
But them a cool wind blows and clear me views

That the time I make a wish,
Wish to blow of my sorrows from my life as the cool wind did! ! ! ! !

That not the end of my wishes because I am human,
Who is always greedy….
Greedy of every thing expect for pain! ! ! ! !

That’s the time I make a wish,
Wish to blow off my sorrows and pains from my life

But then I realise that wishes never becomes true in life……..
So, oh GOD please help me to live up this sorrow and painful life……..

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