Kunmilade Adedokun

Kunmilade Adedokun Poems

Being away from loved ones can hurt
Even more so with no one by your side
He closed his eyes and a tear rolled down
He had blurred eyes so i know he wept

Memories come and memories fade away
Time decides the ones good enough to stay
Flashbacks come by
Many things you can't define

Have you seen a man I know
His eyes so bright, like diamonds they glow
His lips as pink as blossomed roses
His smile drives insane a thousand misses

That night, i found two letters
one in my wallet, one beneath the mattress
memories running through my mind like cheetahs
i look in the closet but i don't see your dresses

The Best Poem Of Kunmilade Adedokun

He Wept

Being away from loved ones can hurt
Even more so with no one by your side
He closed his eyes and a tear rolled down
He had blurred eyes so i know he wept

He beat his palms against his head
Sighing, screaming, lamenting
I could see through my mind the way he felt
I couldn't be wrong when i thought he wept

He broke into a sorrowful song
with no rhythm or i could be wrong
The birds in the trees, the tune dispersed
Without a doubt, i know he wept

Heavy sorrow rented his heart
He wanted his family home so bad
He wept day and night for a really long while
Until his family finally came by.

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