Kurt Hearth

Kurt Hearth Poems

A smile
is a frown turned upside down.
A smile
is painted on the face of a clown.

My endeavor is
to walk

Through the hourglass
grains of sand falling.
I see time slipping by.

Within the conquest I pursue,
along the thoroughfare of Life.
At times, have arisen occasion,
against obstacles, I stubbed my toe.

From parent and child
to friend to child to parent.
I've grown and reflecting back.
The circle is clear to me.

Like so many diamonds
sparkling in the night.
A new fallen snow glistens.
In the winter moon's cold light.

From a still sea
the sun rises.
Farmers return
with their harvest.

The seas I transit, under sail.
Highways and byways I journey.
Calm or direct, may not always be.
Every step, every mile I am tested.

When I was young
the shadow he cast was long.
When I was afraid.
In his shadow I could be brave.

I walked the field of battle,
eerie silence accompanied me.
The bitter odor of confrontation,
lingered mutely in the air.

'Cross empty ocean of feelings aimlessly, I drift.
Canvases of my mind, sails hang slack.
Floundering, in the yen to catch
any gust, of creation's tempest.

Tempest's Fury

'Long the horizon, I watched it form.
Harbinger, of deeds foul.

Slipping through the open sash.
Cool wet freshness
draws me from the depth
of my slumber's darkness.

I, am the Spirit of Independence.
Long before I was known, I existed.
I was born and reside in the air.
On wings of all winds I fly free.

He said 'Walk with Me.' we walked.
Looking back to where we had been.
Desolation now a garden.
Storm and tempest calmed.

As I pass by mourn not
but render me a smile.
Feel pride in your heart
stand a little taller.

Watch it climb curling.
Seeking its way
from crackling flame.
Up through forest tree.


Like a jagged boney finger,
a rampart creating tranquility.
Extending from land’s end,
isolating calm from tossing sea.

Passing through night’s dark skies,
two stars crossed paths.
Each blazing flare,
gave hint to destined goal.


At what designated point?
Does society, consider an individual old?
Is there a chronological time,
when one’s productivity, ceases?

Kurt Hearth Biography

I went to school in upstate NY, graduated in 1955 and enlisted in the US Navy. Retired US Navy Diver(22yrs) in 1977, became a volunteer firefighter, after completing 20 years as a DOD Police Officer in FL. I retired. I started writing while in the navy and discovered that people enjoyed what I wrote. So I continued. From my participation in the high liability professions, I was afforded the opportunity to interact with individuals not only in crisis situations but grateful as well. This experience provided a great foundation for composing.)

The Best Poem Of Kurt Hearth

A Smile

A smile
is a frown turned upside down.
A smile
is painted on the face of a clown.
A smile
brightens a dreary day.
A smile
chases tears away.
A smile
is a gift that shows you care.
A smile
is priceless no matter where.
A smile
is the key to happiness.
A smile
a sure sign of success.

When you feel lonely in a strange place.
It helps to see a smile on another's face.
If there is any real magic around.
It is the silent magic of a smile's sound.


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