Kyle Lowback Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Too Late

It is too late to make new friends because
the weirdness is too much within and everybody
is driven away like the devil from the cross

The Red Chair

Sitting on a chair, help never comes

Nobody ever comes to tell you how to do
things, neither do they come to you and

The Time Tune

'What is time? ' said he in his crazy way and
All the beings followed him in his little hectic
Dancing way so that symmetry was established
Successfuly and astonishingly

The Little Boy In Life's Harvast

My mother always told me it would be good if I would listen to her mumble jumble and I always denied the proper attention: which might have taken me to the begger position I am now

My company makes enough dough I could wipe myself with hundreds and yet my soul is as weak as an old lady's spine

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