Lanaia Lee Poems

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Spirits Of The Innocent

Oh no! Here in the night beside a grave yard, a flat tire
Getting out of my car, I notice the chill and the strange fog within the night
It is so dark I think to myself, I would love to build for light a huge fire
I look around there is nothing but an old grave yard within sight


I don't recognize where I am as I wake up and look around
What is this awful smell? The stench of death I smell?
Where is this awful place? So silent, I don't hear one sound
Is this reality or do within a nightmare I dwell?

Reaching Out From Beyond

Searching from the realm of the land of the dead
Reaching out to you from beyond the grave
Trying to recapture the feelings and everything said
The taste of your lips, your warm embrace these things I will always

Liberty At Hand

I hear the cries of the people, I feel Lady Liberty as she extends her hand to me
The Lady she needs help as she is all amuck and stuck in a very bad situation
She is in pain, she really needs help in standing strong, the way she used to be
I captured the highest office in the land, her healing has already begun.

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