Lani Zwane Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Sun Always Sees It Coming

The sun always sees it coming
In a twilight on its horizon
With elusive whispers to the moon-all stars be summoned

Issues At Hand

The issues at hand
Penned, between a paper and a hand
An understatement that stands
With nobody morally meant to understand

Pulchritude Hasn't Seen Herself

So we shaded huh?
Some light, some harder
Soul's with no menu
We don't decide on our cover

Introspection's Inspection

I've paved a non existing
Should have never been reality
My roads at time
Feel as though, they have no signs for the path that has got to be

With Eyes Shut Open

With eyes shut open
Bounty, from lips that tell on with kisses
Edges of his unto lost counts
Touches at some dreamed wishes

The Rage In Black And Blue

The notness of the naked truth
The endulgment on forbin fruit
The riddled into failure's booth
The verb round about fool

Literature Of Moving Mountains

I could give more than i get
But i fear of being left in need
I curse greed
That hides this hand that holds a deed

Watered Thoughts

Watered thoughts, eventually tree
These radioed frequencies
Frequently, Come attacking me


Whats a lil flirting between friends
What harm will be done by a kiss on your forehead...
A walk at the park on held hands

Outspoken Spells

You'll know by outspoken smells
That, that's her passing
The one I warned had enchanting spells
Too commanding

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