Lawrence Ferlinghetti Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The World Is A Beautiful Place

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being

I Am Waiting

I am waiting for my case to come up
and I am waiting
for a rebirth of wonder
and I am waiting

Constantly Risking Absurdity

Constantly risking absurdity
and death
whenever he performs
above the heads

Sometime During Eternity

Sometime during eternity
some guys show up
and one of them
who shows up real late

Don'T Let That Horse

Don't let that horse
         eat that violin
cried Chagall's mother

The Plough Of Time

Night closed my windows and
The sky became a crystal house
The crystal windows glowed
The moon

Wild Dreams Of A New Beginning

There's a breathless hush on the freeway tonight
Beyond the ledges of concrete
restaurants fall into dreams
with candlelight couples

Number 8

It was a face which darkness could kill
in an instant
a face as easily hurt
by laughter or light

The Pennycandystore Beyond The El

The pennycandystore beyond the El
is where i first
fell in love
with unreality

Baseball Canto

Watching baseball, sitting in the sun, eating popcorn,
reading Ezra Pound,
and wishing that Juan Marichal would hit a hole right through the
Anglo-Saxon tradition in the first Canto

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