Leslie Alexis Poems

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Frolicking Rabbits (Limerick)

More than frolicking did they in dance.
These two rabbits in springtime romance
Went on and on like 'zoom! '
So I yelled, 'get a room! '

A Husband's Request

Let my tongue tell you things in touch
That it could never say in words
Let it tickle your every curve and
Delve into your deepest reaches

A Simile (Pirouette)

A simile saved me.
It jetted across sky
It dived the deepest sea
It climbed a mountain face

The Meat-Eaters Victory

Fowl be eerie
Foul the sight
As he bellows through
The abandoned night

Will You Walk With Me? (Rondeau)

Will you walk with me, up the staircase of our life;
At the top, can I hold your hands and call you wife?
I will walk with you! I’ll bring comfort along the way.
I will pick flowers and give you many a bouquet.

Fireworks In Heaven

After this glorious heavenly boom
None, not one shall return in gloom.
And none would track the narrowed course
For a happy heart would be the source.


His name a reflection of love,
Such as that which stands all time.
His birth, a making of heavenly fate,
Such that death and hell can’t abase.

Ode To My Computer

Your glistened keys call to me
In typed words on you, me i see.

-My Laptop broke. And I'm sad!

Leaves Are Thieves (Italian Quatrain)

The Sun shines on all, including the leaves,
From waking to the time it goes to sleep.
But leaves rob Sun, who is a sleeping sheep,
They pretend to play, but are really thieves!

Cynical Love (Extended Gre Prep Class)

My quagmire of a situation
Made me pusillanimous
Through my myopic vision
I could not see the obvious.

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