Linda Winchell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'Count Down'

The time is here, more that just another day,
The clocks keep ticking the time away,
To reach its hands upon the twelve,
Another year is on its way.

'Confusing Faith'

If ones faith comes by hearing
and hearing it, comes by faith.
Is it like that age old question asked?
'what came first, the chicken or the egg? '

'Control Is Just A Myth'

Control is a human arrogance, and myth
not allowing one to live in the moment of their day.
Always living in tomorrow and planning
not savoring daily blessings, in a blessed way.

'Clouds Over My House'

There are clouds over my house,
They blew in just today.
I heard they came from your neck of the woods,
And provided you their shade yesterday.

'Check List'

Check your hair,
Check your teeth,
Check your face,
Now check your feet!

'Couldn'T Tell How I Felt'

Couldn't tell how I felt,
When you slowly walked away.

We started out the same I thought,

'Conduit Of His Grace'

We are all connected to our Lord above
and to each other in Christian community.
It is God's energy that connects us with
a conduit of Grace and Holy Spirit electricity.

'Chair Rockin'

Listening to the music playing
Just rockin in my chair away!
Can't seem to stop this gyration
I'm rockin myself at this computer today.


Corners rounded edges smoothed
splinters all sanded down.
Stain and varnish to make it shine
The best of wood making in all the town.

' Use To Walk Everywhere'

I remember when we use to walk everywhere!
Driving back then, was never really an option!
To school, to church, to the grocery store
And on the way I remember, while skipping and hoppin!

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