Long Soft Kiss

Long Soft Kiss Poems

Our gazes join ever so often,
Maybe once or twice by the week,
Be it by choice or happenstance,
Our paths do cross.

As I lay down onto the mat,
Already my anticipation is heightened,
I take a couple of long slow deep breaths,
Letting the air flow out slowly and methodically,

Serenity & Peace …

Everything you'd expect from an island paradise hidden in the middle of the Atlantic.
Enter and discover your essence, your being, your soul …

The Best Poem Of Long Soft Kiss

Will I Be Alone

Our gazes join ever so often,
Maybe once or twice by the week,
Be it by choice or happenstance,
Our paths do cross.

The anticipation of the greeting,
Is often overwhelmed by surprise,
For we do not meet enough to be familiar,
But know each other by name.

To stray from the norm,
Would be to risk the why we cross,
And for the now,
That is most important to keep.

So I wait,
Hoping that fate will provide,
When it does, as I am most certain it will,
Without hesitation I will take that leap,

Will I be alone?

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