Lore Me34 Poems

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You Don'T Know My Name

You help to create me
But yet you don’t know my name.

Your blood flows through my veins

God's Pefection

I'm often looked on as imperfect because I have a disability,
but I'm not.
By God's hands I was created.
By God's grace I did awake this morning.

Time To Kill

We have been in this war in Iraq for far to long a time.
We have way to much time to kill.
No time to love, but time to kill.
No time for understanding but time to kill.

Until Sunrise

“A Soldier Tales”

I stand upon this field a watchman
over my brothers who now lay at rest.

A Kiss Of Love

Should I dare to kiss her?
For if I do
I will be damned for the rest of my life.


When I close my eyes I can still feel the gentleness of her touch.
I can even feel the warmth of her breath.
I remember looking deep into her eyes,
and wondering what mystery they hold.

When We Were Kids

Remember how we were best friends when we were kids?
We slept over each others’ house, we were two pea in a pod when were kids.
You were my brother and I yours when we were kids.
But now that has all changed we don’t go near one another’s house.

I Fall For You Autumn

I fall for you Autumn
from the red in your hair
to the cool breeze in your kisses.
I fall for you Autumn

Clouded Mind

I try to think of other things but my mind clouded.
Clouded with the smell of her hair;
The sensation of her touch;
The sparkle in her eyes,

Little Black Boy

A Little Black boy was born one late winter day.
He’d be lucky if he survive through the night the doctor did say.
But he did more than survived.
The little black boy lived.

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