Louisa Sarah Bevington

Louisa Sarah Bevington Poems

PURPLE headland over yonder,
Fleecy, sun-extinguished moon,
I am here alone, and ponder
On the theme of Afternoon.


YOU ask me where love fails me?--what I hate?
I cannot blame, for all, I hold, is fate;
Yet there are hateful, unblameworthy things

OUR oneness is the wrestlers', fierce and close,
Thrusting and thrust;
One life in dual effort for one prize,--

OH, when have after-days or evenings brought
Forgiveness home to penitence downcast?
Oh, when has trust been perfect,--honour fast,--

The most beautiful thing around or above
Is Love, true Love:
The beautiful thing can more beautiful be
If its life be free.

LOVE that is alone with love
Makes solitudes of throngs;
Then why not songs of silences,--
Sweet silences of songs?

LOVE'S height is easy scaling; skies allure;
Who feels the day-warmth needs must find it fair;
Strong eagles ride the lofty sunlit air,

MY love, despise not love in your high thought;
For see what weakness finds the power to do
Here in my failing heart for love of you,

LOVE'S name is easy saying; yet who knows
Love's uttermost, who loves not in his love

SOUL, who would'st prove and know thyself for strong,
Soul, who hast not a tyrant sin beside,

OUR world is very little in the sky,
Far off she must be just a mote to see;
And on the tiny ball creep tinier we,

THERE are sea and sky about me,
And yet nothing sense can mark;
For a mist fills all the midnight
Adding blindness to its dark.

I THROW a guess out here or there,
I breathe a hope into the air,
I feel a dumbness like a prayer.

NOT ye who goad, but ye who lead,
My laggard will shall move;
I know no right but equity,
No road to it but love.

O YE joys that none have chanced on!
O ye goals that none have sought!
O ye gulfs of vacant ether
Where no starshine has been wrought!--

ONE more bruised heart laid bare! one victim more!
One more wail heard! Oh, is there never end
Of all these passionate agonies, that rend

Heart! art thou dead within me? Why this calm
To see thy joy die with the dying year?
When more is fact than ever thou didst fear

Peace on our earth! Men reconciled
To Law that bids them be;
O holy freedom! final faith!
O sacred certainty!


TAKE me to some waste of being,
Virgin spaces, dark and far,
Seas no vessel ever burdened,
Skies that never held a star;

FEAR hath torment! Hie thee, Fear
I am safe, for love is here.

Give me courage; I am weak,

The Best Poem Of Louisa Sarah Bevington


PURPLE headland over yonder,
Fleecy, sun-extinguished moon,
I am here alone, and ponder
On the theme of Afternoon.

Past has made a groove for Present,
And what fits it is: no more.
Waves before the wind are weighty;
Strongest sea-beasts shape the shore.

Just what is is just what can be,
And the Possible is free;
'Tis by being, not by effort,
That the firm cliff juts to sea.

With an uncontentious calmness
Drifts the Fact before the 'Law;'
So we name the ordered sequence
We, remembering, foresaw.

And a law is mere procession
Of the forcible and fit;
Calm of uncontested Being,
And our thought that comes of it.

In the mellow shining daylight
Lies the Afternoon at ease,
Little willing ripples answer
To a drift of casual breeze.

Purple headland to the westward!
Ebbing tide, and fleecy moon!
In the 'line of least resistance,'
Flows the life of Afternoon.

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