PURPLE headland over yonder,
Fleecy, sun-extinguished moon,
I am here alone, and ponder
On the theme of Afternoon.
YOU ask me where love fails me?--what I hate?
I cannot blame, for all, I hold, is fate;
Yet there are hateful, unblameworthy things
OUR oneness is the wrestlers', fierce and close,
Thrusting and thrust;
One life in dual effort for one prize,--
OH, when have after-days or evenings brought
Forgiveness home to penitence downcast?
Oh, when has trust been perfect,--honour fast,--
The most beautiful thing around or above
Is Love, true Love:
The beautiful thing can more beautiful be
If its life be free.
LOVE that is alone with love
Makes solitudes of throngs;
Then why not songs of silences,--
Sweet silences of songs?
LOVE'S height is easy scaling; skies allure;
Who feels the day-warmth needs must find it fair;
Strong eagles ride the lofty sunlit air,
MY love, despise not love in your high thought;
For see what weakness finds the power to do
Here in my failing heart for love of you,
LOVE'S name is easy saying; yet who knows
Love's uttermost, who loves not in his love
SOUL, who would'st prove and know thyself for strong,
Soul, who hast not a tyrant sin beside,