Lowly Dreamer

Lowly Dreamer Poems

A few Haikus based on the Greek myth of Pandora's Box:

My dear Pandora,
Please do not open this box.

If the world was the same
And no one was unique
Would every child play the same game?
Always hide-and-seek?

The little gestures make me smile
And the sweetness makes me blush.
The hugs seem to last a lifetime,
Yet they are never long enough.

And now the red ones make me fly.
The pills go down slowly.
The sip of vodka helps them along.
My head begins to spin,

No one understands me
As the wind blows through the trees
No one understands me
I’m praying on my knees

As the wind blows
And messes up your hair
Your feet slowly sink
Into the soft, warm sand

The Best Poem Of Lowly Dreamer

Pandora's Box

A few Haikus based on the Greek myth of Pandora's Box:

My dear Pandora,
Please do not open this box.
I’m trusting you. –Zeus

Overtaking all my thoughts
I must open it.

The box is opened
All the spirits locked away
Escape. Close it quick.

HOPE: all that is left.
All else has escaped into
The world down below.

Disease rids the streets
Sickening all that cross its
Path. No cure is found.

Envy is out and
About. Infecting every
Person around it.

Greed is spreading all
Around. Taking over all
Surrounding people.

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