Luke Garner

Luke Garner Poems


everyone says it's cold, dreadful and
unforgettable. But at this time, the time
of love, Ice will not strike.....

The door he couldn't get pass....
It was the glass door....
The one he could never go pass,
not even if he tried....


Everyone needs a heart.
To feel feelings....
To feel happiness
But most important,

He stared at the person that was the most beautiful
person he had seen in all of his life, so good
looking, so kind and so happy looking....
He inched forward to take a closer a look....

Luke Garner Biography

Born a third child. The soul of a poet and a story writer....But engraved with horror and dreafulness. I, Luke Garner, is a person borned into his own astounding world..... Worried about things, and yet never afraid to try it.....That is how I am and I will always be just me.)

The Best Poem Of Luke Garner


everyone says it's cold, dreadful and
unforgettable. But at this time, the time
of love, Ice will not strike.....
For it strikes at the heart like a stab in
the heart. But with love, the Ice melts
into all but a small piece of material.
And all that material love....
Love is really all you need. Love is
magnificent when great and
Ice can never melt that, only
at darkest times. But for now...
Love over powers ice.

Luke Garner Comments

I Love You 04 June 2006

Very nice poems......

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