Lyudmila Purgina Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Song, The Sea Stretches Out So Widely - Transl.(Rus.)

The sea stretches out so widely,
And waves are wild raging in storm.
We, comrade, are sailing and far away now,
Away from the earth, the native shore.

V.Vysotsky, Farewell To Mountains - Translation (Rus.)

Farewell to mountains
by Vladimir Vysotsky

1. To the street's vanity, to the rivers of transport

Song, Along The Murom's Road... - Translation (Rus.)

The old russian song

Along the Murom's road, * Murom is the ancient town in Russia
There stood the three pine-trees...

Song, The Coach Was Standing At Temple... - Transl. (Rus.)

By unknown author, the old russian song

The coach was standing at temple,
There wedding was going on,


Through wild steppes of the Zabaikalye, * - Zabaikalye - the region to the east of lake Baikal
Where gold's from hard rocks washed away,
A vagrant, who was cursing his fate,
Was dragging himself with a bag.

M.Matusovsky, There Are Words... - Translation (Rus.)

By Mihail Lvovich Matusovsky

There are words, terribler than a gunpowder,
Than a shell over the war trenches,

M.Matusovsky, The Pain As Fire... - Translation (Rus.)

By Mikhail Lvovich Matusovsky

...The pain, as fire, can flare up, and then
Go out, and again return.

M.Matusovsky, Moscow Nights - Song -Translation (Rus.)

In the garden noises are hardly heard,
Everything is silent till dawn.
Do you know true, how dear now
To me evenings in Moscow.

V.Vysotsky, The Rock-Climber-Girl - Translaton (Rus.)

1.I had asked you: 'Why you climb the mountains? '
You - itched to get top, and you -just wanted battle.
'Look, Elbrus from plane you could see so well...'
But you laughed at this, took me with yourself.

M.Matusovsky, Moscow Windows - Translation (Rus.)

Do you see the skies are turning dark,
And in twilight windows are light?
Here all my friends do live,
Gasping silently my breath,
I'm looking into windows.

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