Lyudmila Purgina Poems

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When in the war between the world and fate,
By recollecting years of hard troubles,
I'm disturbing by the useless pray
The deaf and such indifferent high skies,

I'M All Tired!

I'm all tired! I don't wish, don't want!
With top of waves - to go back, to herd...
I feel good in that ship, my boat,
Which is floating after the wind itself...

And There's The Void - Between Lines...

And there's the void - between lines...
Between the words of verse...
There - the invisible line,
Where the thought had pushed with their foreheads -

Well, You Have Changed...

Well, you have changed...
And the eternal things
Suddenly have dropped down as a deposit of being.
There were the times, when you were young and careless,

S.Yesenin, Goi You, Rus... - Translation (Rus.)

Goi* you, Rus*, my native land, dear, ,
Huts* - all icons in the copes...
Hardly you could find the edges -
Eyes are sucked by azure only.

One By One

One by one, one to one, one before one...
One in field is not a soldier, none,
One in soup - is not bad... better many...
One in row - seems to be shadowy.

S.Yesenin, The Kaliks - Translation (Rus.)

The kaliks* wandered through villages,
And drunk a kvass* under windows,
And prayed at the old church's gates
To the Holy Saviour image.

Take It! Buy It!

'Take it! Buy it! ' - cries the Reklama.
The TV-screen is overfilled with drama
Of selling-bying the goods (may be good?) ,
The foods (may be good?) ,

Sit Down

'Sit down, dear guests! ' - we say to a request
To come, to get a warmth from our fire...
'Sit down! ' - we say, when a feast
Is over, and common days look forward...

I Left My Old Shoe...

I left my old shoe - on old threshold...
I went to new - to new house, and gathered
The new shoes, new cloths, new features
On my face... I've gained - the richess...

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