Maclawrence Famuyiwa Poems

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A Beaty Of A Beauty

I could hear her beauty,
The music was just a noise,
The sparks in her eyes aroused my pity,
Denying her my touch could be a curse,

Wings Of Your Blings

You make your intelligence stings,
Because their knowledge to you stinks,
Wherever you are, your wisdom sings,
'Cos you got it abundant from the King of kings.

Crown For Your Throne

Your wisdom causes their wiseness to drown,
Intelligence stands on your head as a befitting crown,
Your smartness wears your enemies endless frowns,
Your greatness is now what is the talk of the entire town.

Alms Not Just For A Balm

He has a big festered wound on his right arm,
He feared it might be hiding thousands of unseen germs,
It is after his parents deaths, he knew he had lost his only true gems,
He now has to wake up early, to beg passers-by for alms.

Your Shares Of The Cheers

Your intelligence, as good as driving amazing cars,
You dole out goodness, generously to all your pals,
Your wisdom, unassailably perches on the highest bar,
While foolish people, buried their's in a maar.

The Sheep In Me Is Scared Of The Den

I am huge with the body of a lion, yet I am a sheep,
The den isn't my Zion, yet the sheep come to me only in my sleep,
My ration of the catch tastes sweet, yet from my grip the biggest ones slip,
When what I need is a jet, yet I got entangled in a slow moving ship.

The Glow Of Your Flow

To all corners of the world your goodness welcomely rolls,
The shines of your wisdom left every other person under bare poles,
The intelligence you've is what many agrees to use for a toll,
Despite their efforts, their smartness is still kept under your sole.

Sombre Soliloquy

The journey lasted for not more than forty glorious and blessed years
Before your smiles gradually faded as you journeyed to a land far away,
The hearse swallowed you into its belly, while hearkening not to our fears,
It sirened off with the streams of our cries flowing far beyond our doorways,

Abounds Beyond Bounds

Your intelligence is of a special kind,
Your blessings are uncountable as sands,
God's favour in your life forever binds,
Your wisdom is undoubtedly very sound.

A Brook In My Room

Today's rain spoiled my mood
But why not spare my room?
It poured in without a shame
So, who's to take your blame?

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