It was when I was just in class three
Hovering around the tenth year of age
Something bothered me in the hours wee
A sweetness, an aroma, sweat
They said
You are my better half
Out of my rib you came
Bullshit, I say
(A tribute to India's beloved Sushma Swaraj, former External Affairs Minister, who passed away on 6th August 2019.Sushma means splendorous beauty and Swaraj, her husband's first name, stands for one's own home-land.)
A mother bid adieu,
an elder sister departed
We looked at each other
Over the bamboo fence
As the east wind shook
The trees to get hold
A lonely star
This August night
Who are you?
I can't figure out
I was a butterfly
That knew not the Sun
Who showed me this and that
In whose dazzle I lost the sight
Grandson's first birth-day
His cousins arrived
Twin girls half his age
Two is company, three is a crowd
Rain clouds ran berserk on the hills
Like elephant herds in panic
Winds whistled like villains
On the winding mountain pass
I never had an ear for music,
my design always shuddered at lyrics;
that is the way I am made,
my ears and vocal chords fail to resonate.
We never met
We never knew each other
You were just a charming presence