Make A Wish

Make A Wish Poems

Livin in the country
Doesnt make me stupid
i dont just eat Fried Chicked
but i dont eat expensive squid

It Hurts
I'm Hurt
All Because Of You

We are people
people of the earth
we don't eat other people
so why eat animals?

I wish my life was different
I wish i didnt feel this way
I wish he'd like me back
I wish sucide wasnt comin my way

I have to say
My life sucks
I might have great friends
But that doesnt make it perfect

you enter the ring on your mount, excited, but determined
' now entering the ring, number 227 ' the announcer calls out

the bell has gone, and off you go

The sounds of country music
Just make me calm and cool
As i always listen to it
On the side of my glistening pool

Around the corner
Beside the store
In that house
Abuse is in store

Make me
Make me sing
Make me dance
Make me your queen

Life may not be what you want
But Suicide isn't smart
If you get picked on for being a nerd,
Dont go suicide, then that means ur not smart

At our school here
walking back and fourth
from class to class
with a break for lockers in between

He might cause heartbreak
He poisons your heart
With his handsome looks

Ya here we go for the hundredth time
Always happpens, every single time
Up goes the coaster, higher and higher
I question, will it ever some down to earth?

Might it be that i love him
Might it be that he 'says' he loves me
But could it be just him needing someone
And im just that conveniant for him?

captain captian captain bob
went to town to find a job
he was poor and had no life
he was robed by his own wife

I love you
more than you think
from the first time
i spoke with you


What people dont care for
I care so much about
I care for everything wrong
I care for everything right

This is my house, my home
it smells not too pretty
and doesnt look too clean either
but its my house, my life

most people are in paradise
but wouldnt it be nice
if i was with them too?
try and make do?


Music is an art
Something you can't dart

Music is what makes the water flow

Make A Wish Biography

im a 14 year old who loves animals and poetry, mostly horses cause i own 3 and ride many of them. i go to high school grade 9 and... ya. msg me if u wanna kno more ;))

The Best Poem Of Make A Wish

Country Girl

Livin in the country
Doesnt make me stupid
i dont just eat Fried Chicked
but i dont eat expensive squid

People say being a city rat is great,
but i love being a country mouse
It may not be a big mansion city
but hey, a box is worse then my house

So me, being a country girl, i have more skills
more skills in every category
I can drive, cook, ride a horse, drive a skidoo
and pretty much anything a 19 year old city rat can do: D

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