mamutty CHOLA Poems

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Pillow As Confidant


Pillow is matchless and unparalleled as confidant
Never betrays the trust reposed in it by confidant

Circumstances Are Not Reasons For Worries

Human nature is very strange
Tolerate intemperate language
But becomes out of control
For someone silence

Her Smile Is Everlasting

I remember her smile in the shining of firefly in the night
I remember her smile in the song of nightingale
I remember her smile in the morning shining dews
I remember her smile in the morning cool breeze

Let Seed Be Sown

All prevent children from falling in life

It will be a matter of pride to prevent

Cry Of Feelings

Did you ever realize cry of the feelings
If you wish to hear then hear in silence
Where no one is there in solitude when alone

Live Life Like Season

Try to live life with smile
Focus on what is wrong
Never focus on who is wrong
Trust what is to happen shall happen

Realised Secret Of Happiness

Ever since I decided to love myself
Came tremendous changes in self

I was ignorant never thought

I Often Lost In Thought

Why it is some are happy and some are unhappy
Why it is some are successful and some are unsuccessful

Why it is some are very rich and some are very poor

Beauty Is The Name Of Realization

The beauty can be realized in life
Like loved ones love, morning cool
Breeze, and moonlit full moon night

What Is Realization Of Love

Realization of love is like advent of spring
Realization of love is morning cool breeze
Realization of love is like bud blossoming
Realization of love is like early sun rise

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