Manonton Dalan Poems

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I Should Have Stayed Indoor

dried leaves on my chest rasping
it could be westerly wind blowing
i tried to reach it but disappear
tiny whirlwind on my feet i stare

I Dare Not To Leave

i am counting my steps
out of following shadow
leaves chasing my feet
i have to cover my face

Greetings From My Shadow

cold water dripping on my head
taking away my pain and my sweat
rustling fast just like music beat
pouring now, draining down sink

Let It Pass

I have seen these clouds before
low, dark, swirling above shore
my feathered friends hurry home
trees creek, fallen leaves comb

I Let It

sweet voices i long for day break
as dew reflects sparkles from cliff
silence for quiet some time, croon
rolling stones cascades with roar

I Am Watching

and when sun is writing on wall
will find my story where they fall
glitters that flash a good sign to
start dreaming of days we went thru

I Could Keep Going

i have been dreaming for a while my love
i keep on going to fix those niceties up
there are times i think i am losing some
but i pause i look around, you're around

I Will Come To See You

an old man with throw net on his shoulder
watching patiently any sign of fish; under
that calming sea hurrying to shore; sparkling
to wishes of eastern red sun rising; kissing

Persistent Bird

raven crowing atop a golf cart
looking all over our lunch bag
when she tried to pry one of them
i throw a cone just to scare 'em

Silent Killer

i have jelly feet hearing
what was you, you saying
i am more nervous than you
yet you said it so confident

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