Margarida Vale de Gato

Margarida Vale de Gato Poems


Heart-hammer, coffin-nails, passion-swindle.
Shakespeare died on an old calendar in April
wrote "these violent delights have violent ends"
and declared romantic love deceased with a quill.
Since then many lovers have become case studies
in western research centers piles of men and women
are grabbed by the nape devouring each other and the dark
- they can hardly be identified in the fluorine of headlights,
on screens, in office waiting rooms and hotels -
silent blue collars sweep us away, tidying things up
at dawn, those whose dreams are more meager than salaries.

From you I hope for what does not occur to you to ask,
to you I must point out this world full of errors.
The world is full. Of the dead who never
drop dead. The world is full of the dead living
with little thirst. The world is full of kids
who slide for two days through solid sleep resuscitated
on the third without redemption, without anyone checking
their pulse or what they took, or was given them in excess.
I ask your forgiveness and understanding for the many deceptions
the garrote of maturity won't staunch, you'll find out

one day what is so overwhelming to confront. The world is full
of adults without detachable answer keys they stagger
on top of waves over long tectonic faults, the world
is full of the apathetic convulsing domestic quakes
torpedoes in picturesque rest houses villas swept
off the map where there were once squares pools sodas and Sunday
matinees, there were intersections and corners and white
upturned wandering eyes. The world is full of wires
great migrations to worse places inoculated
with molds that won't heal but burst the indices
of scholarly publications, one day you will live where

you shall sway - so that I hope you'll accidentally find
alternatives. The world is full of rebels who are
ambivalent and meek unrolling black rolls
of linoleum where nothing can be read, they use them
to cover bellicose mines of all the parents' wars, patiently reject
millenarian dowries of folly and decide that what's left
is to draw gestures of dance against the precarious underpinning
of having a floor on which to fall. From you I hope for justice, loyalty
and an innocence of fear and resistance if possible
to theories of conspiracy as well as the entire imagination
of others, the distraction that trains the tourist in courage.

There's enough magical thinking, Alice, which you'll discover
as well: that your existence was born in part
of a meeting of intensities; of there having been absolutes
and afflictions, settlings of collisions, replayed promises, shames
re-acknowledged, interrupted correspondences, offenses
of affectionate detail. I expect nothing less of you, not to mention
everything else: that sense of humor which hits the mark and disregards
the chill of indifference, the forgetfulness that upon us bestows
the dazzlement of successive aspects without any previous
memory, solicitude, curiosity, the filter
of love if possible sweet minimally diluted.

Foi como amor aquilo que fizemos
ou tacto tácito? - os dois carentes
e sem manhã sujeitos ao presente;
foi logro aceite quando nos fodemos.

Foi circo ou cerco, gesto ou estilo
o acto de abraçarmos? foi candura
o termos juntos sexo com ternura
num clima de aparato e de sigilo.

Se virmos bem ninguém foi iludido
de que era a coisa em si - só o placebo
com algum excesso que acelera a líbido.

E eu, palavrosa, injusta desconcebo
o zelo de que nada fosse dito
e quanto quis tocar em estado líquido.

Começou com um sinal ao lado dos teus óculos escuros, Não,
o princípio foi um rebordo à noite onde quiseste ensinar-me
a soletração de versos, Não, reinicio: o pequeno almoço
num café pequeno numa rua comprida com pernas para o mar
e dons rodrigos enxovalhos de lustro postos à mesa, Não
há de ter sido só quando esticámos as mãos elas escorregaram
e nos encostámos aos peitos os dois chocalhavam tu riste-te eu
fiz-me de parva, Se calhar foi aí porque escrevemos sobre isso
entendendo cada um à sua maneira como sempre se
fez, Eu adverti logo aliás não tinha nenhuma esperança
que viéssemos a coincidir alguma vez tu achaste claro
muito bem feito porque assim queríamos constantemente
aprofundarmo-nos sempre aos apalpões a ver onde derretia
quando lá no fundo doía não encaixarmos perfeita
mente, Só que sim é um privilégio acontece menos
vezes do que os dedos encontrarmos alguém
a quem queiramos continuar a bater como
disseste que me fazias a vida toda quando apertaste por
baixo dos meus braços a resistência dos materiais, E há de
ter sido gentileza não justificares apesar do orgulho
de cumprir proezas não contamos os princípios nem os fins

fico pois à espera que apareças atrás de um sms com uma tarte
de maçã encostada ao focinho, Que não te cansa o jogo de fazeres
todos os gestos importantes entre portas para depois te pores ao
fresco como se nada fosse e largas daqui porque tens um handicap
muito menor e patas maiores e queres ver outros bichos cheios
de perguntas, Por mim punha era o vestido de Espanha para
rodopiarmos aos casais de sucesso entre os bem-pensantes com
licença vou escrever sobre os teus livros todos muitos palavrões.

It began with a mole next to your sunglasses, No,
the beginning was a margin at night where you wanted to teach me
how to spell out verses, No, restart: breakfast
in a small café on a long street with legs in the sea
and Dom Rodrigos bunched in lustrous wrappers on the table, No
it must have been only when we stretched out our hands they slid
and we bumped our chests together clanking you laughed I
made a fool of myself, Maybe it was there because we wrote about it
each one understanding in his own way just as it's always
been, Though I warned you at once that I had no hope
we'd ever coincide you thought sure excellent because
that way we'd constantly want to probe each other
always pinching ourselves to see where it touched
there in the depths where it hurt not to fit perfectly
together, Only that yes it's a privilege it happens fewer
times than we have fingers finding
someone who we want to keep beating as
you said you would do to me for a lifetime when you squeezed
the resistance of material below my arms, And it must have
been delicacy not to justify yourself despite the pride
of performing feats we never count the beginnings or the ends

so I'm waiting for you to show up behind an SMS with an apple
pie hoisted to your muzzle, That the game of making all those
important gestures in the doorway doesn't exhaust you so later
you freshen up like it was nothing and flee because your handicap
is smaller and your paws are bigger and you want to see other beasts full
of questions, If it was me I'd put on my Spanish dress and we'd whirl
away like successful couples among the bien-pensants excuse
me I'm going to go and write obscenities all over your books.

galopamos pelas costas dos montes no interior
da terra a comer eucaliptos a comer os entulhos de feno
a cuspir o vento a cuspir o tempo a cuspir
o tempo
o tempo que os comboios do sentido contrário engolem
do sentido contrário roubam-nos o tempo meu amor

preciso de ti que vens voando
até mim
mas voas à vela sobre o mar
e tens espaço asas por isso vogas à deriva enquanto eu
vou rastejando ao teu encontro sobre os carris faiscando
ocasionalmente e escrevo para ti meu amor
a enganar a tua ausência a claustrofobia de cortinas
cor de mostarda tu caminhas sobre a água e agora
eu sei
as palavras valem menos do que os barcos

preciso de ti meu amor nesta solidão neste desamparo
de cortinas espessas que impedem o sol que me impedem
de voar e ainda assim do outro lado
o céu exibe nuvens pequeninas carneirinhos a trotar
a trotar sobre searas de aveia e trigais aqui não há
comemos eucaliptos eucaliptos e igrejas caiadas
debruçadas sobre os apeadeiros igrejas caiadas
meu amor
eu fumo um cigarro entre duas paragens leio
o Lobo Antunes e penso as pessoas são tristes as
as pessoas são tão tristes as pessoas são patéticas meu
amor ainda bem que tu me escondes do mundo me escondes
dos sorrisos condescendentes do mundo da comiseração
do mundo
à noite no teu corpo meu amor eu
também sou um barco sentada sobre o teu ventre
sou um mastro

preciso de ti meu amor estou cansada dói-me
em volta dos olhos tenho vontade de chorar mesmo assim
desejo-te mas antes antes de me tocares de dizeres quero-te
meu amor hás-de deixar-me dormir cem anos
depois de cem anos voltaremos a ser barcos
eu estou só
Portugal nunca mais acaba comemos eucaliptos
eucaliptos intermináveis longos e verdes
comemos eucaliptos entremeados de arbustos
comemos eucaliptos a dor da tua ausência meu amor
comemos este calor e os caminhos de ferro e a angústia
a deflagrar combustão no livro do Lobo Antunes
comemos eucaliptos e Portugal nunca mais acaba Portugal
é enorme eu preciso de ti e em sentido contrário roubam-nos
o tempo roubam-nos o tempo meu amor tempo
o tempo para sermos barcos e atravessar paredes dentro dos quartos

meu amor para sermos barcos à noite
à noite a soprar docemente sobre as velas acesas


we ride down the backs of hills inside
the earth eating eucalyptus eating haystacks
spitting out the wind spitting out time spitting out
time the trains gulp the opposite way going
the opposite way stealing our time my love

I need you who are flying
to me
but you fly unfurling sails over the sea
you have wing-space you hover you drift while I
keep crawling towards you along the rails
with occasional sparks I write to you my love
cheating your absence the claustrophobia of the mustard
colored curtains you walk on water and now
I know
words are less worthy than boats

I need you my love in this loneliness this forsakenness
of thick curtains preventing the sun preventing my
flight and nevertheless on the opposite side
the sky boasts little lamb clouds hopping
hopping on oats and wheat fields there are none here
we eat eucalyptus eucalyptus and whitewashed churches
leaning over level-crossing whitewashed churches
my love
I smoke a cigarette in between two stops I read
Lobo Antunes I think people are sad people
are so sad people are pathetic my
love just as well you hide me from the world you hide
me from the world's patronising smiles the world's
self-righteous consent
by night on your loins my love I
am also a boat sitting on top of your body
I am a mast

I need you my love I am tired I ache
close to where my eyes are set I feel like crying still I
desire you but before before you touch me before you say
I want you my love you shall let me sleep a hundred years
a hundred years from today we'll be boats again
I am lonely
Portugal is everlasting we eat eucalyptus
everlasting eucalyptus lean and green
we eat eucalyptus interspersed with shrubs
we eat eucalyptus the ache of your absence my love
we eat this heat and the railtracks and anguish
set ablaze inside Lobo Antunes' novel
we eat eucalyptus and Portugal is everlasting Portugal
is huge and I need you and in the opposite way they are stealing
time it's our time they are stealing my love it's time
time for us to be boats and sail through walls inside rooms

my love to be boats at night
at night to blow oh sweetly blow into full sail


[Lugar baixo, rancor surdo, tremenda
raiva - o despeito da mulher
ao centro e o sensato coro atrás.]

Diz-se que matou o próprio irmão,
que descende do Sol e solo bárbaro,
e que, deslumbrada por jovem prático
e pouco espiritual, lhe deu
um animal de lã dourada. Ele
porém ainda quis um trono, outro
matrimónio e o mando dum país.

Quando uma feiticeira chora invoca
demónios que invocam malefícios.
O escritor, atento ao móbil, fixa
os joelhos da semideusa mágica
e empático pinta-lhe na boca
a palavra trágica: eu nada quis
para mim, por ti só tudo fiz.

E o mundo entretém no seu decurso
o público. Do crime participa
quem dele tira prémio ou espanto -
E o pranto corre a cada livre gesto
e o excesso com que sofre nos consola
o sobressalto. E o manto que tece
sufoca em chamas e excita deveras
o sangue a correr e a carne a arder.

Resta um par de cadáveres infantis
aos pés do pai: o céu está vazio
e ninguém saiu ainda da sala.
Para concluir o acto o génio
declara solene que ali se ama
e mata sobre a cena. Não mais
discursos. Inclina-se e repousa

a pena com a ponta de veneno.


[Low-lying place, seething rancour, high
rage - the resentment of the woman
in the centre and the wise chorus behind.]

They say she killed her own brother,
descends from the Sun and barbarian soil,
and gave an animal with golden fur
to a practical, not very spiritual young man
who had taken her breath away. But he
also wanted a throne, a second
wife and a country to rule.

When a sorceress weeps she invokes
demons who invoke curses.
The writer, aware of her motive, steadies
the knees of the magic demigoddess
and empathically paints on her mouth
the tragic words: I wanted nothing
for myself, I did it all for you.

And the course of the world entertains
the audience, the crime's accomplices,
those it profited and those it petrified.
And tears roll with each free motion,
and the acuteness of her suffering softens
our shock. The cloak she weaves
smothers with flames, and the spurting
blood and burning flesh truly excite us.

What remains is a pair of infant corpses
at their father's feet: the sky is empty
and no one has yet left the hall.
To conclude the act the genius
solemnly declares that there, on stage,
people love and kill. No more
speeches. He leans back and sets down

his pen with its poisonous nib.


"Eu cá também não gosto, há mais coisas
além deste desconchavo", dizia Marianne
Moore da poesia. De resto, conseguia
ver mitocôndrias e as demais
pequenas vidas - olho fixo
na miúda mancha de aguarela
comprimida entre vidros de lamela
redonda a pupila em maravilha
prévia ao mistério: saber o que era.

Mais importa observar ou designar?
Eu erro no olhar receio às vezes
esqueço a árvore onde deixei as chaves
e o caderno, depois não sei chamar
o quê, espécie ou parentesco, ache embora
sossego na língua arcana dos plátanos
atrás das placas do jardim botânico.
Portanto sirvo mal, sou outra, fora
do baralho, turista aqui em tanto

do que me dá prazer e algum trabalho.
Mas não está dito ainda (ou está) se insisto
à minha pouca escala nisto eu
é porque não desligo e toco e falho
no material à vista, língua
crua clara em bruto céu


‘I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important
beyond all this fiddle,' Marianne Moore said about
poetry. In any case, she was able
to see mitochondria and all the other
tiny lives - eye fixed
on the minute blotch of watercolor
compressed between two glass slides
the pupil round with wonder
just before mystery: to know what it was.

Is it more important to observe or to designate?
I fear sometimes I look askew
forget the tree where I left my keys
and my notebook, then I don't know what to call
what, kind or relation, though I find
tranquility in the arcane language of the plane trees
behind the plaques in the botanical garden.
So I serve badly, I'm other, the odd one
out, a tourist here in so much

that pleases me and is work.
But it's still not said (or is) if I insist
on my small scale in this myself
it's because I don't disconnect and touch and fail
at what's in plain sight, raw
language clear in brute sky

MAYDAY lanço, porque a guerra dura
e está vazio o vaso em que parti
e cede ao fundo onde a vaga fura,
suga a fissura, uma falta - não
um tarro de cortiça que vogasse;
especifico: é terracota e fractura,
e eu sou esparsa, e a liquidez maciça.
Tarde, sei, será, se vier socorro:
se transluz pouco ao escuro este sinal,
e a água não prevê qualquer escritura
se jazo aqui: rasura apenas, branda
a costura, fará a onda em ponto
lento um manto sobre o afogamento.

MAYDAY I break out: the hard war endures;
empty is the vessel from which I part -
it slacks in the deep, bored by the sway,
a leaking slit, a lack - not in the least
a cork pail with pores made to drift.
I specify: it's terracotta, it cracks
and I am sparse in dense fluidity.
Too late, I know, help will come, if ever
so feebly I flash in obscurity
and the writing does not stay on water;
here I lie: hardly an erasure, less
than a seam the wave will slowly stitch
a slumbering quilt over where I sink.

É-me indiferente: poeta, poetisa
dependerá do ritmo ou da medida -
prefiro tradutora, mas admito
que por vezes não dobro e sou narcisa.

A minha primeira poesia era
sobre chuva e choro. Hoje seria
prosa, ou sobre chuva e a pólvora:

chove fora viola o vento o vidro,
a rua nunca é como os prospectos -
O meu bilhete ao mundo, espeto-o

com delicado verbo ao coração.
Rebenta, murcho músculo entupido -
mil vezes fosse a vida a excepção.

se o rigor do verso não visa qualquer prova
senão procura -
ou provar o que seja de sabor.
Se não escrevo por encomenda
senão por ventura serôdia

posso posar, certamente,
para a máquina fotográfica,
moldar a boca ao disparo ou regular
a abertura ao diafragma. Dependente
do papel revelador -
modelo artista presa, sou como todos:
as vidas que não toco interessam-me
num desequilíbrio de voracidade e avareza.
Antes ainda assim me conheçam de vista
que de revista.

For me it makes little difference: poet,  poetess - 
depends on the measure, and the stress - 
I prefer translator, but admit  
that I sometimes can't be plied, I'm a narcissist.

My earliest poetry was about rain  
and weeping. Today it would be 
prose and rain, or gunpowder: 

it's raining out, wind rapes the window, 
a street is never like the brochures - 
With fine eloquence I stab my note  

to the world through my heart. 
It bursts,  withered muscle bloat -  
a thousand times that life were more than art.

If the line's strict measure doesn't aim to show
but is a seeking instead -
or is the taste of what it finds . . .
If I don't write to order,
but showered by latter rain.

Certainly, I can pose
for the camera,
mold my mouth to the click, close
down the diaphragm. It depends
how the roll is developed -
model artist prey, I'm like everyone:
the lives I don't touch interest me
in uneven parts of avarice and voracity.
Before they know me, period,
they know me periodically.

The Best Poem Of Margarida Vale de Gato


Heart-hammer, coffin-nails, passion-swindle.
Shakespeare died on an old calendar in April
wrote "these violent delights have violent ends"
and declared romantic love deceased with a quill.
Since then many lovers have become case studies
in western research centers piles of men and women
are grabbed by the nape devouring each other and the dark
- they can hardly be identified in the fluorine of headlights,
on screens, in office waiting rooms and hotels -
silent blue collars sweep us away, tidying things up
at dawn, those whose dreams are more meager than salaries.

From you I hope for what does not occur to you to ask,
to you I must point out this world full of errors.
The world is full. Of the dead who never
drop dead. The world is full of the dead living
with little thirst. The world is full of kids
who slide for two days through solid sleep resuscitated
on the third without redemption, without anyone checking
their pulse or what they took, or was given them in excess.
I ask your forgiveness and understanding for the many deceptions
the garrote of maturity won't staunch, you'll find out

one day what is so overwhelming to confront. The world is full
of adults without detachable answer keys they stagger
on top of waves over long tectonic faults, the world
is full of the apathetic convulsing domestic quakes
torpedoes in picturesque rest houses villas swept
off the map where there were once squares pools sodas and Sunday
matinees, there were intersections and corners and white
upturned wandering eyes. The world is full of wires
great migrations to worse places inoculated
with molds that won't heal but burst the indices
of scholarly publications, one day you will live where

you shall sway - so that I hope you'll accidentally find
alternatives. The world is full of rebels who are
ambivalent and meek unrolling black rolls
of linoleum where nothing can be read, they use them
to cover bellicose mines of all the parents' wars, patiently reject
millenarian dowries of folly and decide that what's left
is to draw gestures of dance against the precarious underpinning
of having a floor on which to fall. From you I hope for justice, loyalty
and an innocence of fear and resistance if possible
to theories of conspiracy as well as the entire imagination
of others, the distraction that trains the tourist in courage.

There's enough magical thinking, Alice, which you'll discover
as well: that your existence was born in part
of a meeting of intensities; of there having been absolutes
and afflictions, settlings of collisions, replayed promises, shames
re-acknowledged, interrupted correspondences, offenses
of affectionate detail. I expect nothing less of you, not to mention
everything else: that sense of humor which hits the mark and disregards
the chill of indifference, the forgetfulness that upon us bestows
the dazzlement of successive aspects without any previous
memory, solicitude, curiosity, the filter
of love if possible sweet minimally diluted.

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