Maria Cuervo

Maria Cuervo Poems

This isn’t probability or pessisism but fact.
What we want are the countless words, embraces and gestures,
the warm breath of a lover’s mouth
but we will never find a lover, that voice above all voices,

Twining protectively around itself
in a perfection of inexperience
we feel sad to see it open
yet revel in it’s quiet longing

The Best Poem Of Maria Cuervo

We Will Be Exposed For Good Or Ill To What We Fear

This isn’t probability or pessisism but fact.
What we want are the countless words, embraces and gestures,
the warm breath of a lover’s mouth
but we will never find a lover, that voice above all voices,
for it would be too much like an angel’s
and burn the heart right out of us.

Maria Cuervo,1993

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