Swiftshock palm slap, pulsethrob rear,
Deep and savage need fulfilled:
Goldbrown leaf in silvered web,
Joyously held fast:
Perhaps it's in love!
A whitesheaf grassblade, truly offered,
Simple as love.
Will you accept?
A moment eternal before memory awakes,
Gazing in the chill of a silver morning
On the face of beauty incarnate:
I find myself,
Like a courtier to some fabulous king,
Walking through chilled silver
On paths strewn with coloured leaves
Crowded tube, bare room to stand,
Stops the only air to hand.
Sea of faces ever changing,
There are days, which grow more common,
When the Darkness claims it's own,
When the Ebonbeast within me
Bursts free to claim his throne.
From bluegrey eyes a fire is burning;
Blue-white blazing, black within,
Half-seen shape sharpclawed.
Limned with fury wings are beating,
There was a time when this house,
Scaled to my size, comfortable,
Was an extension of my self, filled entire by me;
Each room known to me, alone.