Mark Sauer Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Prometheus Tree

Troy was a virgin wilderness,
The pyramids not yet conceived,
Atlantis yet unraised - much less
Deluged - when first that seedling leaved.

Envying The Lichen

The gnawing lichen dissolve the mountains
In leisured nibbles of eternity.
When they rise at last from their long repast,
Who will have noticed the flicker of me?

The Glimpse

When Love unblinds us, to see one true face,
One mask transparent to unclouded eyes,
And reveals by this solitary grace
The chosen one, though showing truth, Love lies.

Remembering The Womb

When I have returned this breath I was loaned
By profligate stars and generous time,
Surrendered this flesh I rented, not owned,
This small usufruct of clay and of slime,

The 'Tween Girl

She dodges between the raindrops,
Lives between the ticking seconds,
Holds her breath when the soft breeze stops,
Only moves where shadow beckons.

Marble Shall Not Weep

The marble shall not weep for us
Nor will the moon remember man.
Aloof will float soft cumulous
Unseen in the stolid heaven,


Typhoons can hatch from a butterfly's egg.
Vast nations have sprung from a passing glance.
Innumerable rival futures beg
For a word; even silence can by chance


I want to know the Secret Name of Rome,
And the hue of pterodactyl pinion;
To stride the shore where Venus stepped from foam,
And the isle where Circe held dominion.

Worshipping The Void

Israel atoned in an emptied room,
Bare, like that grotto one star did illume;
Once history hinged on a vacant tomb.
We kneel where once emptiness did loom

The Glitch

What gap in God is filled by me?
What lock to which I am the key?
What road am I a cobble on,
Wending to what destination?

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