Marsha Youree

Marsha Youree Poems

What fun it is to have you
As my special online friend
Someone I tell my secrets to
All my thoughts to you I send.

I gave you life,
but cannot live it for you.

I can give you directions,

When the road seems too long
When darkness sets in
When everything turns out wrong
And you can't find a friend

Her tiny hands are folded
All alone there in her chair
Another day spent all alone
Dosen't anyone really care.

God must have had you in mind,
When He spread stars in the sky;
For I can see them twinkling,
Everytime I look into your eyes.

You know God saved the best for last,

It is his gift from Heaven above;

It's something that happened so quickly!
Like a great rushing wind I can't see,
Strong arms are holding me close now
As they gently pull and guide me.

Teddy bears, doll and dress up clothes,

The time went by so fast;

A stranger approached me this morning
As I was greeting another day,
He looked hungry and tired
In almost a begger's way.

Did anyone ever tell you
Just how special that you are
The light that you give off
Could even light a star.

The song of the birds, I cannot hear,
The flowers I cannot smell.
I cannot remember the ones I loved,
And the things that I knew so well.

It's nice to see Dad show Mom his love
With a touch or just a kind word,
Now that I have a husband of my own
It don't seem so absurd.

Dad you were a wonderul man
whom we all understood,
I guess we never told you
as often as we should.

I'll remember to forget
The one that made me sad.
But I'll never forget to remember
The one that makes me glad.

Too often we don't realize
what we have until it's gone.
Too often we wait too late to say
'I'm sorry - I was wrong.'

Dear God, forgive me,
For all my erry ways
Help me to find you again
I really never meant to stray

I’m here again, on my own
Life seems to pass me by
Remembering your words
As tears fall from my eyes.

Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong
One who loves to listen long,

Cut my hair and give it to *Locks Of Love*
Because I won't need it in heaven above
Give my eyes so another may see
Because God will give a new body to me

We were so close together
Now so far apart
What happened in between
I can only feel in my heart

The Best Poem Of Marsha Youree

Good Morning Friends

What fun it is to have you
As my special online friend
Someone I tell my secrets to
All my thoughts to you I send.

It seems like you are always there
Whenever I need you
You always make me laugh
On those days I'm feeling blue.

Just in case you do not know
How much you mean to me
I'm sending you this little verse
So you'll have no doubt you see!

I thank you for your kindness
And the lovely words you say
And I'm hoping all the best things
Find their way to you today

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