Matt RSJ

Matt RSJ Poems

The Doctor asked him:
What is your name?
My name is irrelevant.
Why is that?

Someone told me that i wasn't fun.
That i'm too intense, and that
I can't have simple conversations.
Saying those things meant nothing to her

Slow and steady does not win the race.
You have 45 minutes to complete the exam.
If you don't finish in that time,
You didn't know the material well enough.

This is for you,
Reader of
You that gives comments like
'Stop whining'

When the heart drops to the stomach
When the pressure behind the eyes
prevents a scream
When you are dying inside but

The Best Poem Of Matt RSJ

Thoughts On Depression

The Doctor asked him:
What is your name?
My name is irrelevant.
Why is that?
Because the Person you see
In front of you
Is no longer
The person with my name

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