Matt Western Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Secret Garden

The wavering, windy winglets of the wisteria
Loosely hang amidst the walled interior

Savouring delightful treats with

Christmas Past

Choruses and carrousels filled with gleaming
Heavenly picturesque scenes of dreaming
Rising stars, glittery paths, pilgrims revealing

Divided Age Of Rage

Age of neo-archaic anarchy, it seems
Obscene virtues of anonymous outfits
Hungry with their appetite for schemes
And their eyes glaring at the prize of profit

Crooked Thoughts

Saturn sulked yesterday and put a halt
Grounded like a heavy lightning bolt

An unsightly quarrel revolts in my mind

The Curiosity A Gemini Truly Missed Emmits

Luring for an odyssey with you again
Frozen like dew drops on a sycamore leaf
Are the many myriads of memories we attained
Rudimentary those inklings so brief


To the bureaucrats of this world, tackle the fact that
You don’t know how to act when forming a pact

Moulded and folded like actors or slaves


Fanfares riding the air in a flourishing serenade
Regressive stares of artisans who come in pairs
All lined up straddling the boulevard with no care
Unable to observe their voluptuous escapade

Bystander By The Riverside

Here we are by the riverside
Peering onto the onlookers passing by

The apple bites as cider is sipped

Fools Gold

I tend to overindulge too much
Foiled by the cost of shouldering bad luck

Like soldering locks

The Folly Of Youth

The folly of youth
Full of jolly times too
Nursery rhymes, puzzles and signs
Speak of the truth sublime

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