Mazid S Kazi , INDIA

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA Poems

Indian culture is the best like gold.
India hath need of cultured men.
A gun or bomb may convert into a pen.
Educated men have a royal hold.

A student life is a golden life, truly it is told.
The student who has a golden crown of his study.
Would be a great man in his life with a great hold.
Otherwise an idle student becomes a wild rowdy.

Sex sex sex a few men or women boys or girls run after sex illegal.
Due to a silly mistake their life becomes a great guilty hell.
We are human beings so that our activities should be legal.
We must have good mind and good heart to understand the feelings of all.

A teacher is the best artist of the child.
He is also the real builder of our Nation.
If his statue fails, the child becomes wild.
Then, what about the future of our Nation?

Education is the light of child's mind.
It makes him literate and disciplined.
Without education nothing he will find.
He looks newspaper but he can't read it.

All of a sudden my death attacked me harshly.
And smothered me violently with a vital-force.
My body lay breathless on the bed in agony.
However I recovered and pushed the death with all force.

Home is the first school and mother is the first teacher.
Parents are the builder of children's characters and minds.
The mother won't be a fighter but should be a well preacher.
If she is an illiterate she must carry her children to tuition.

Friends we do our work as soon as possible.
Now-a-days we have been very selfish and greedy.
Because in doing the work of God we are late.
We take donation to repair or construct temple or mosque.

I am blessed and lucky that I am born to India.
My mother India lulled me often to Sleep.
And she nourished me and I am grown up.
I always remember her painful duty and weep.

The Crow is the best messenger of God which brings protective message to the people.
But the people have an unpleasant matter to talk about it and they dislike it.
It frankly shows us to get immediate protection from the danger of our life.

Father -in-law's and mother-in- law's daughter is a daughter-in-law.
In the long and short journey of life one has to read the same law.
Even the daughter-in-law should not treat with them just like a saw.
She must think that her husband's parents are like her own parents.

Come here O! my sweet little child.
Play with me like a wild and mild.
Let me forget my worries of life.
You dance with me but without strife.

The most beautiful city London is the capital of England and United Kingdom.
It is situated in the South Eastern England on the biggest river Thames.
Magnificent houses of parliament stood in the heart of the city with freedom.
Parliament is made up of the house of common and house of lords and it makes laws.

A greedy person will never be happy in his life for his greedines.
Forever he will be in tension of mind to collect more money and gold.
He can not be satisfied in his life for his long wish of selfishness.
His wants are unlimited in the shortest period of his miserable life.

My mother India is a rich and peaceful land.
In which all castes and creeds people dwell.
It has the fertile earth and the golden sand.
Here all live happily and all are very well.

Sex is a dirty devil of mind which always troubles the mind.
A sexy man or woman suffers in life not to control the sex.
Such man or woman makes the life-hell in an unkind bind.
Nothing they find in life due to their worset sexual nature.

Words are more precious than gold.
Sweet words win heart to heart.
Bad words set fire heart to heart.
Soft words make us all clean bold.

My body has become a battle field.
Battle, a fierce battle, I cried in pain.
As death comes and fights to pull my soul.
Nothing happened as death has no gain.

Love is blind but lovers are not blind.
They fall in love with a blind emotion.
They escape but their families suffer.
Children to elder go to the police-station.

Shakespeare said when wealth is lost nothing is lost.
Secondly he said when health is lost something is lost.
Thirdly he said when character is lost everything is lost.
So, students must be away from ragging and other bad habits.

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA Biography

MAZID.S.KAZI is an Indian poet in English. He was born on 8\10\1951 in Rattihalli, Dist: Haveri, Karnataka State India. He completed his graduation in English in Karnatak college of Karanatak University Dharwad. Mazid s kazi was the Principal of S.A.Q. High School Bankapur, Dist-Haveri, Karnataka, INDIA. He is the strict follower of William Shakespeare, John Milton, E.A.Robinson and John Keats the great poets. MAZID.S.KAZI expresses his own feelings, ideas and emotions in his poetical style. He has published his first edition called 'Indian poetry in English' in 2006. I wish to express my deep feelings to MAZID.S.KAZI, who has taken pains to produce the poems.I wish him further to create such other works of English literature. The themes of poems that he has produced are about the mankind and man's righteousness towards 'The God'.I have gone through the poems and found that MAZID.S.KAZI's poems have worth. God bless him for his forth coming opportunities to bring out such literary works. A.K.Advanimath Mazid S Kazi 09341068556)

The Best Poem Of Mazid S Kazi , INDIA

Indian Culture Is The Best Like Gold

Indian culture is the best like gold.
India hath need of cultured men.
A gun or bomb may convert into a pen.
Educated men have a royal hold.

All women must be literate and bold.
And all dress as per their religions.
Way of living depends upon their regions.
Old is gold as we have been told.

We all live here with our fore - fathers!
But we think as lucky and blessed.
AS the citizen of India we are addressed.
By humanity sake we Indian help to others.

So as all the states are our brothers.
In the golden words Indian culture is expressed.

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA Comments

Rockeronhunt 12 April 2018

Allha tabarak wa talaha aap ki roh mehfuz rahkhe

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Uzefa Rashida M.a 26 March 2016

Dear Sir I found your poems enlightening and the need of the hour. You are asocial reformer and have found a great way to reach to the people through your poems. I appreciate your genuine feelings and efforts. You indeed have a heart of gold. Your poems express the agonies that a common Indian undergoes in this journey called life. You are a great poet sir.

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Salema Khatun 07 January 2012

this is a very good poem sir...i like it and enjoyed it...really a nice one

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Mazid S Kazi INDIA 05 December 2011

my GOD is great and kind to me and He is with me

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