Medea Kali

Medea Kali Poems


Tell Gaza I love her
Though I cannot be with her
And my tears fall; shameful streams,
As I watch shadows engulf her beauty

We’re two of a kind, you and I
You; in your big world
Weaving charms around them porcelain-skinned girls,
How you are blinded by their radiant magnificence

Looking down from the roof-top of the same place
Cars, shouts, fights, decaying trees...
Nothing's changed, my dear
It is the second year and he is still singing his non tamo pius'

How to disassociate your body from your mind?
Kindly try and fill the void with your voice

First: Stop Writing

Pour me a glass or six, dear bartender
You seem to forget that we've been through this through and through
Quench my thirst for forgetfulness and happiness in its most vulgar base shape
I am happy in this state and you, them cannot get to me

There aren’t raindrops falling on my head no more
My dear drugged alcoholic friend
You spoke witful and sobering words into my existence
In amazement, I listened as you ate your greens

On a warm spring day, the river mirrors
Images of trees on banks, vividly expressive
Of every speck and detail
Mine soul is a reflection of thee

What is felt by the heart can rarely be expressed with words
We've been through all that. I thought you knew me by now
We have stopped being lovers for four years now
We have not spoken to each other since then

Mohammed, what can I say on your untimely departure?
I miss you…Every now and then I remember that big smile of yours
That optimistic happy mood you were always in
I would always strut in the place where you always ended up at

A diamonded jewel in a wretched sphere
I found thee, hungry and weak
I took thee under mine own wing
Thou wert a rare queen belonging to me


There's always a door
There's always a prison behind that door
The sea of your jeweled dreams
will vapor amidst waves of broken hopes,


Not a lonely place for me... NO more
This globe shook, turned and tossed him
right unto me
Friday chills and lazy afternoons

I have loved you
With all will and power,
I have loved you
Because love is what befits


No white rose to grace your grave
Not enough tears to abolish the hate

They stand so aloft and haughty

Nastassya, you stand laughing at my foolery
My morbid obsession of thee
Among fallen women, you say; but
Thou art the princess of my dreams


The cursed streets of Beirut,
The city that knows neither night nor day
The two entwine into a perfect blend
Of continues euphoria for those who seek it

Northern lights reflect their shadows
The dismal lake absorbs and swallows
Love on this earth is meager
I roll over to his side, I'm still eager

I wish the plane you're going to board crashes
And you and what I have of you turns to debris and ashes
As you fly across oceans and lands
On your way to that distant land with foggy beaches, skinny-legged tramps

Empty, cold, I feel so morbidly alone
To think these thoughts every day or two
To have the same feelings of yesterday
Is this what you have to offer me?

Smoking the day's last cigarette
Sipping my last cup of coffee
Silence, the curse of the night
Most of God's creations just go to sleep

The Best Poem Of Medea Kali


Tell Gaza I love her
Though I cannot be with her
And my tears fall; shameful streams,
As I watch shadows engulf her beauty
Darkness hides her light
Her mothers weep and her children die

God in heaven, I cried! I said you are not there
To guard my love from the viciousness
Of those who dwell in her heart
And those filled with envy from us…
They covet our love for her
Why do they want to be with her?

I long for the touch, the smell of Gaza
I feel it, I breathe it
And I sing her songs of love and imagine myself in her
And they want to take her from me…
The one who's had her image engraved in heart
She knows me, she embraced me and she feels love as I to her

God is our savior; believe love, because my faith is shaken now
I can no longer have the strength you have
I shy away from you, I see them ravishing
Tarnishing you, and you endure.
Love is always heartbreak, we both know
They all know I love you and someday I will be with you.

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