meghan foubare Poems

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Growing Up With An Italian Family

Italian families,
Make you laugh,
Make you mad.
A lot of times get you to eventually cry!

The Secret Life Of Bees

The life of bees as we know it is just buzzing around making honey,
but really thats not the case at all.
Bees have their own little world of nothing we ever are familar with.
As Queen Latifah says' Every Little Thing wants to be Loved'!

Colors Of The Wind

The earth is our living orb,
The sphere that we stand on.
The ball that we walk on everyday.
All the nature and mother natures belongings are here too!

When We Dance In The Moonlight

As we dance in the Moonlight together,
You are holding me tight.
The moon is shinning so bright it lights up the middle of your eyes!
The night may be cold, but when i am with you it feels like summer in July with a cool breaze.

Heres To Night We Where......

Heres to the night we danced together...
Heres to the night we loved eachother...
Heres to the night we shared our dreams of hope....
Heres to the night we made love....

What My Life Has Become!

My life has become more than I expected!
More complex then I ever imagened it to be.
So many lives put into mine..
So much love shared between 2 people.

To: Sydni

The Cleaning Of Rain

The Rain cleans my sins from my rigid and harmed body,
Every single dropp takes away a heart renching act of hurt to myself or others, that have been commited befor.
The clean and pure water does good to my heart after the sleek shadows of the clouds above us.
Looking at the grey and puffy clouds my body and soul weakens to my knees for what god has not forgiven me for yet!

The Love We Share

If i could tell you without crying i would,
Its like a symphony of classical and soul in one.
Both combined and make a beautiful relationship thats blossoms everyday more and more.
The love i have for you is not simple in any sort of way!

Brush Strokes

using paint and water,
one simple sweep of your textured brush!
spreads color around the canvis to create a new adventure,
mixes all your emotions into one!

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