Michael Earl Craig

Michael Earl Craig Poems

When trying to catch a horse it helps if you look away.
Eye contact just pisses them off.
But you can't fake looking away, horses

Kurosawa was a moralist.
It is said he took and gently bent
Akutagawa's grove.

This night nurse is different.
She walks into my room and does not turn the light on.
She thinks I am sleeping.

A kind of Danish cow
long thought to be extinct
lumbers slowly from a fog-soaked forest.

I was visited by an idea for a poem I could never write

cigarette smoke wafted in in moderation

I am driving up a mountain pass on my tractor,
a blue plume behind me, when I spot
an abandoned car on the side of the road

It seems there's always an icicle
or pair of them
hanging, over an infant,

On the one hand, with this first pair of shorts,
Don's, we have this dark, bleak look at humanity,
the doomed human journey so to speak, and the feeling

He was a Cossack; he had a crew cut
She was impious; a bacterium dined on her knuckle.
It was Nebraska everywhere.

Someone is sitting on a tall stool before me.

I don't know how to behave but
I know what I believe. I believe
that if I stick my head in the oven

The bike shop owner's wife's bike
was the palest blue, a blue that
infringed upon white, that walked

There is a bullet here on my desk.
Tipped over on its side.
Its jacket is brass

He threw a dollar bill at her, as hard as he could.
It fluttered to the floor before it hit her.
She wadded-up a five dollar bill and bounced it off his head.

Michael Earl Craig Biography

Michael Earl Craig is an American poet from Livingston, Montana. Craig is the author of Can You Relax in My House (Fence Books, 2002), Yes, Master (Fence Books, 2006), and Thin Kimono (Wave Books, 2010). He was appointed the Montana Poet Laureate in October 2015.)

The Best Poem Of Michael Earl Craig

Advice for Horsemen

When trying to catch a horse it helps if you look away.
Eye contact just pisses them off.
But you can't fake looking away, horses
know when you are doing this.
You have to really look away.
Some horsemen never come out of  this.

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