Michael Gale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Is? ........

Love is true as true be bold...
Hard to keep, to keep as hold.
Love can leave as if took by a thief...
Followed in kind, by a sudden saddened grief.

Jesus Could Have Drank Dr.Pepper.

Jesus Christ could have drank Dr.Pepper...
Had he come to earth in today's own time,
He still would have cured a wandering leapor.
He would find that tv healer, Sir Benny Hindu...

Demoned Weeds Towards The Sun.

Oh wuthering heights of lifetime's dimensions...
enables failure's convenienced conventions.
Man should ignore all negative words...
Aptly enableing man's freed evil, well traveled herds.

My Art So Close To My Heart.

The rolling of the molded clay...
At long day's end might become a mishapened oblong abstract ashtray.
A sunset captured to oiled art...
These brush strokes guide the waves well frothed.


That wayward heart so far away lost in frozen time of the mind's picture...
Will my heart be able to start itself?
Will the beating heart beat another rythumic love beat for thee? ...
Or will this heart, depart this loving land, deserted by your faith in me?

Death's Beckoned Door Well Welcomed.

Many busied minutes have been spent upon my brow....
As formed of sweat that be hanging on down as if not enow.
A toilment of movement has haunted my graying cloud about my head...
Following oh following b'neath my dread.

A Misfired Floral Race.

Corruptional Pionese sprout leaves of old...
Plants are not like the goose that laid the golden leaf.
Let's be like real and not like make belief.
A magpie hit me on my what'cha'ma-call-it...


Poems are what makes me tick...
The reading and writing of them is the brain and heart's tickling trick.
How may i read all enjoyed writings? ...
The good ones have arrived through God's own divine hands in guiding.


Over three hundred and fifty poems i've writ...
Hoping to show off to others, my humerous wit.
Perhaps when after i've written my five hundreth poem...
For the morrow', i'll have died and flown to my final resting home.

Storms Of Loud Clouds!

Billowy cloud movement is on a steady
slowed pace, As winds do move these cotton
candy looking images sometimes they look as
if they do have a face! Clouds can be so

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