Michael Gale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Desperate Housewives Will Have To Become Desperate Viewers.

Desperate housewives will have to become desperate now that the writer's strike of o-seven will halt their own soap opera's television viewing during the day...
Only the viewers will have to pay.

This little episode of striking brings back to memory's mind...

A Star Watched Fan Fare.

Sparkling gems and diamonds, of the night sky...
Winking back to me.

They are my travelling mates above my tent...

Pumping Iron.

Muscles and tendons always so sore, Lifting
the bells added poundage and more.Squatting
and bending joints to this day, Bulging and
growing for contest's display.Huffing and

Take The Tenth Note! !

Take the tenth note, That i did wrote! These
musically scales climb and sing, They do so
fluctuate as zip and zing! Music has
inspired from the beginning, Til the end, it's

God's Blessable Cure!

May God's love and blessing's fall down to
your table, May God's healing miracles,
make you well, and so much able!
God's loving care does so reassure, That

Man's Evil Ways Put To An End On Earth By God.

T'will hands of time continue it's uninterrupted progressed climb? ...
T'will the sands of the hourglass amount to an unmeasurable pile?
Can man unbury himself fro' his weighed down of time's own
passage? ...T'will a world war supply to the world a man's

Twin Towers Toppled Of Heart's Sadness And Memory.

Ye twin towers have toppled of heart's sadness of New York City...
Twas twin building's toppled by terror-not pity.

City of York be new not old...

Still I Rise In Nature's Scape.

Still I rise like a flower reaching for the sky up high...
Might I reach out real far, before I die?

come to me, with sustenance to life...

Domestic Abuse.


Hostile violence...

All Is Fair Game At Carnival's Arrival.

The carni was arrivaled as all eyes were at a zoo...
Into town from another-before there was not much else to do.
All eyes were a'stared at Fat lady and one attraction called Bearded Woman...
The show did not start until 'round, old noon'n.

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