Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
! 'Poetry Means...Uh...'

When I was very young,
was written by
AA Milne.

0377 Should Be, But

I should be writing a poem
about those small wisps of white cloud
moving unusually fast across a blue blue sky
on their way to somewhere else

Fundamental Reggae

'fun-da-mental-ism' miss God's fun, man -
who want a God wittout a smile? ...

0376 Self-Search

Hey, Self - how do I know that you exist?
Or are you just a word - a useful term
for what we hope our real nature is,
those things about us which we're proud to affirm?

! The Poems I Love

There are poems that I envy,
poems that I admire and respect,
poems that simply sing to me,
poems that I puzzle over…

Unicorn 1

Those who’ve seen one, all give differing accounts;
that’s how it should be. No in-depth video. No coffee-table book.
But the collected book of sightings –
that’s hairs on the back of the neck stuff.

! The Stone And I

By the edge of the mini-pond
where I sit when the weather’s fit for it,
there’s this stone.

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 23

I asked My Beloved

How may I know the secret
of being a perfect Sufi,

! Where Sexy Meets Demure In A Place Called Trim

In the seat opposite in the underground
in the off-peak afternoon,
neat shoes, nice legs, skirt just the exact right length
where demure meets sexy in a place called trim;

Excuses, Excuses...

It's a situation
all too familiar:
sitting at this keyboard
getting sillier and sillier,

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