Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
0045 In Honour Of Ahmad Shamlu, Poet, Teacher

She so loved Him
was so beloved of Him
that He spoke to her and said
my beloved

0358 One For Bill

0006 Prayer For The Condemned

He’ll be the next to go.
In the Condemned Block, over many years,
he’s moved up the line; now he’s got that end cell.
All legal processes have been tested.

Cn U Rd Ths? Its Nt Gd Nws...

The National Literacy Trust in Britain
did a survey and
- yes, you guessed -
57% read 'only a bit' or not at all

0031 Dawn In Bethlehem On The Morning Of Christ's Nativity

This starry dawn - the wise men yet afar -
the shepherds are abed, their night's task done.
Is Mary tired? Or, as one untouched?
All birth's a miracle; not less this one.

! Some Poems Have A Vast Interior

Some poems have a vast interior;
a deep, wild, impenetrable up-country,
traversed as in some dream
so long, no-one can say

! The Soundtrack To Our Life

...more than we or others ever realise, I reckon,
the music of our younger years
makes the soundtrack to our life -

! They Also Loved

‘We only love if we have first been loved.’

Aye, there’s the rub.

! Wisely Love The Wise

The wise love wisely.

It’s said, that when the truly wise
surface from their sleep,

Whingeing In The Wind

Suck and blow, suck and blow,
like a pair of windy bellows -

why do you whingers wheeze on so -

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