Miya Yanga

Miya Yanga Poems

Wake up
Wake up
Look around you
What do you see?

The strngr tok my hrt
i nvr knew hm
But immediatly cme
2 m i gve hm my hrt

The Best Poem Of Miya Yanga

Wake Up South African

Wake up
Wake up
Look around you
What do you see?
I don't see what you see

I see people dying
I see people being raped
I see people being mother's in an early stage

I don't see our future
Our future is dark
Who made it dark?
Us ofcouse

Let us change it to be
Brighten our next
As Tata Madiba did for us

Wake up to see child trafficking is a fast the law
Wake up to upgrade your culture

Wake up south Africans

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