Mohammad Akmal Nazir Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Limerick- My Poor Poem

Thou come and go
At least I think so
What happens then
I lift my pen

Haiku- Breeze

Thy soft touch instills
Freshness and rapture in me
When thou pass like a maiden.

A Kiss Of Truth

The thirst of thy love stays on my lips
Come and quench this thirst with thy lips
Give me an eternal kiss
Make me feel a soft touch of thy being

An Intruder

Thou came and won my heart,
I was not ready for that
Yet I sacrificed my ego
At the altar of thy love.

A Prayer

O Lord, bless me With the light of knowledge,
So that I may enlighten
My character,
To spread the light of

What Is Heavier Than..........?

What is heavier than many a thing?
Heavier than tons
of load,
than earth and sky,

Haiku- The Clouds

A Widow's Life

Life is nothing but an empty show
On the branch of hope no flowers grow
Everything is dark before her eyes
In her heart only anguish lies

Haiku- Spring

A Rapturous Morning

Ripping the darkness of the night,
The bride of morning removes her veil,
She arrives on the planquin of fragrant breeze,
The whole atmosphere turns intoxicating,

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