Morgan Michaels Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Sea Turtle

My specialty is minding my own business.
I can't help it, it's a choice.
For example, I'm not really writing this.
You, mind-reader, read it, nevertheless.

Desiderata Ii

The Great Yogurt Hoax? Hmmm.
Yogurt not so good for you now as you once thought-
Soon we'll be told (by the experts) that anti-oxidants
Pare years from your store of years;

Quid Dedicatum...

What should his poet ask of Lord Apollo
on his feast day, as the first wine
flows darkly from the bowl?
Sardegnian fructitude?

Rimbaud In Africa

Like linen, dipped in blood
you stripped off soiled innocence, welcomed cleanly shame,
vowed to leave behind


By Popular Demand

In trutina mentis dubio
Fluctuant contraria
Lascivous amor et pudicitia
Sed eligo quod video

From Dinner With Carl At Gene's 3

Conveniently, he inserted his number into the message with an invitation to call, so I didn't need to go online.

Next day I phoned. After some exploratory remarks and a mom update
we agreed to meet for dinner. I think we were both groping a bit and felt reassured. Everyone dreads the worst these days- from people and situations. They do nothing without thinking 'what if...'

A Family History

There were two of them. She did the talking. He had the same thing, she said, as her.Because of what she'd had and what he now had, she's had a hip replacement. It ran in the family. Her cousin had it, too. This was her brother and she was taking care of him- making sure things went alright.

Donnie peered at the downcast young man slumped in the chair across the desk.

On Helicon

Out of the mists, day dawning- -
forms- turning slowly into women, nine of them.
'We know how to tell lies that seem true',
they sang, in chorus, to Hesiod,

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