Valsa George Mother Poems

A Mother's Prayer For Her Daughter

As days and months speeded by
We longed so deep to have you home
With starving eyes, we kept awake
And you came at last, to give us joy.

To My Mother's Memory (The Drop Of A Feather)

The dawn broke, tearing the dark shroud of gloom,
And lights turned on to greet another day,
Life taking its new course all around,
but in this room, life coming to an end!

A Mother's Lullaby

Oh, my child, fret no more
Close your eyes and go to sleep.
Here I am by your side
Singing lullabies, sweet and cherished.

To My Mother

Wrapped around in my swaddling clothes,
I saw her bright beaming face.
Lying helpless, still in a trance,
I sensed her soft soothing touch.

A Mother's Advice To Her Daughter

The sound of wedding bells, I hear
My daughter’s maiden flight, so near
Festive celebrations, in full gear
And nuptial gaiety, so much in the air

Mother Nature

Nature, thou art God’s creation,
The Benign Mother to all Creation,
Decked in beauty, dressed in glory,
Thou singest hymns to God your Lord.

Simple Verse.25. Mother Hen And Her Little Chicks

The Mother hen with her happy brood
Of newly hatched chicks like balls of wool
Has come out of her coop, for an outdoor hunt
Days together she has been sitting in brood

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