Mrs Marie Roylance Roylance

Mrs Marie Roylance Roylance Poems

To be what you are is what you will be
Your dreams don't always come true
But you are you


Into a wild bewildering world
He arrives protesting loudly
Fists clenched with defiant scorn
And voice to hail 'Now I am born'.

I am here alone, my cherub
Thinking of what might have been
My rambling thoughts dream on
If only I could hold you once more

I feel so lonely sometimes, if people care they don't show it
A little cuddle would work wonders, a little soft caress
Oh how frustrating it all seems when no one could care less

"When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You mustn't tie yourself to me with too many tears,
But be thankful we had so many good years.

The Best Poem Of Mrs Marie Roylance Roylance

To Be What You Are Is What You Will Be

To be what you are is what you will be
Your dreams don't always come true
But you are you

You cannot expect everyone to like you
You may not like everyone you meet
But that is life, sometimes sour sometimes sweet
Yet you can make your presence pleasant
The world then is a better place.

It is nicer to smile and light up your eyes
Than to scowl at the human race
Making the world a nicer place to live
It's up to you, what you will give

To make it so, as you go!
Friends are worth more than a purse that is full
A hand that extends in the time of sorrow
Lifts up your heart and prepares you
For your tomorrows

A kind word or two to somebody new
A hand that will steady them through
In a place that is alien and strange to them
Is a friendship that is true

So many things make your world
So it's nice to be nice, as you go
Do nice things and make it so.

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